Telehealth & In-Person Options

Why couples might choose virtual sessions:

  • They postponed getting support because they can’t make it to an in-person appointment.
  • They are busy managing their children’s schedules, and don’t have the time to drive across town for another appointment.
  • They live in a more rural area, or maybe just prefer to meet virtually.
  • They are divorced or separated and it is difficult to find a location convenient for both parents.

The benefits of Telehealth:

  • I can provide coaching and counseling via secure, live video conferencing. Participate anywhere you have a computer or smartphone.
  • Greater scheduling flexibility. No need to factor in travel or wait time. Schedule around your busy life.
  • Clients can log on from their car while their child is at soccer practice or during nap time!
  • Stay in the comfort of your home while negotiating with your child’s other parent/caregiver.

Why couples might choose in-person sessions:

  • My office provides a structured environment free from distractions.
  • It is time away from the children where parents can focus on their relationship.
  • They prefer the face-to-face interaction.
  • Nonverbal communication (body language) is clearer.

The benefits of In-Person:

  • My office is neutral territory, which can help reduce conflict and de-escalate tension.
  • Increased accountability and commitment- making the effort to travel to a session can support the importance of the work.
  • It allows the client to fully focus on the work and maintain a healthy boundary.
  • The commute to and from the office can allow time to organize thoughts and emotions before and after a session.

I see in-person clients in Belmont and Arlington, MA.

Please contact me if you have any questions!